Get It On App Store

  1. Get It On App Store Logo Png
AppGet it on app storeGet it on app store logo pngGet it on apple app store badge
  • Use the badges as provided. Never alter the badges.
  • There must be clear space surrounding the badge equal to one-quarter the height of the badge.
  • The badge must be large enough that all of the text is legible.
  • The Google Play badge should be the same size or larger than other application store badges.
  • Badges must be shown on a solid colored background or a simple background image that does not obscure the badge.
  • Match the badge language to the language of your marketing campaign whenever possible.
  • Any online use of the badge must link to the Google Play store. Use the generator below to get the HTML to include in your digital marketing.
  • The badge can only be used to promote content available on Google Play.
  • Include the appropriate Google Play legal attribution when there is space in the creative. See the badge generator for localized legal attributions.
  • Use of the Google Play badge must be reviewed and approved by the Google Play Partner Brand team if the badge will be in:
    • a TV commercial
    • an out-of-home marketing campaign
    • a marketing campaign that will receive over 1 million impressions
    Use this form to submit your marketing for approval.

PNG: Transparent Download On App Store PNG. Look at Download On App Store.PNG:39, High Quality PNG images archive. Apr 09, 2020.

Get It On App Store Logo Png

Apr 15, 2020. Submit Your Apps to the App Store. Customers around the world are now experiencing the incredible new features of iOS 13 and iPadOS. Make sure your apps are faster, more responsive, and more engaging by taking advantage of Dark Mode and advances in ARKit 3, Core ML 3, and Siri. Update your apps and product pages, and submit today.